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We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. 

Soulfoul life-visions arise from beyond our everyday consciousness and are usually ahead of the current situation. In order to become more sensitive to the “call of the future”, we need to allow a state of “not knowing” and learn how to relax into it. 


To let go of concepts and face every situation with an open mind and open heart requires the cultivation of a skill we could call “uncertainty-competence”. To learn how to keep your perception open in the tension of an unresolved situation gives you access to inspiration and creativity that comes from a higher intelligence than your mental thinking can provide.

Harmony - MAP

The Harmony-Mindset Alignment Process
is a highly transformative program
combining neuroscience, transpersonal psy
and timeless
 spiritual wisdom
to help you align every aspect of your life
with your S
oul's frequency.

In Soul-alignment it's easier to create a life you love
because you are in a state of harmony, creativity and flow. 

The three pillars of Harmony-MAP 
to bring your mindset and actions into alignment with your Soul's frequency


Regain Inner Peace 

Regain calmness and clarity by shifting the state of your autonomic nervous system from overwhelm and anxiety to relaxation and grounding.

In phases of significant change and while facing uncertainty, our autonomic nervous system reacts with a state called “survival state” which shows up with symptoms such as agitation, mental hyperactivity and increased muscle tension.


Learn how to shift from agitation to calm centeredness through neuroscientifically proven techniques like


  • breathwork

  • bodywork

  • meditation


This will help you calm your mind, relax your body and rewire your Autonomic Nervous System for safety and creativity.


Rebuilt Flow

Find back to flow by shifting from problem-focused overthinking to elevated emotions such as self-love, gratitude and joy.

Being stuck in doubt, second guessing and the fear of making “wrong” decisions is a clear sign of problem focused thought loops and low frequency emotions.

(see David Hawkins – levels of consciousness).


Uncover and release what blocks you and find back to flow by psychologically based steps such as


  • embracing what's there 

  • practicing mindfulness based “mental-hygien”

  • raising your vibrational energy 


This will help you feeling uplifted and  confident to make decisions  that serve you.


Connect & Co-create 

Co-create your next chapter of life with ease by opening up to support from all sources.

Our perception through the lens of the conditioned "little self" comes along with a habitual impulse to control and predict circumstances in a way that is limiting our potential and possibilities.

Experience the shift from control-driven struggle to feeling guided and inspired to take soul-aligned action  through timeless-wisdom-based spiritual practices like


  • balancing energy centers 

  • activating pineal gland

  • tuning in to Soul-frequency


This will help you co-create your next level life with ease, by listening to what wants to come through from your Soul.

In developing the  Harmony-MAP methodology, Esther has brought together the essence of 30 years of professional expertise as a transpersonal psychotherapist, transformational coach and relationship expert. 

This mindfulness based approach also integrates her experience of 2 decades of grounded spiritual practice and her personal life experience, having navigated some crucial life transitions herself.

The work goes deep into both healing limiting trauma structures from the past as well as co-creating the future with your Higher Self. 


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Selfstudy Video Training

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Group Program

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1:1 Mentorship

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